Animal Market Medical Relief Camps
Pakistan’s first medical camps for abused and neglected animals suffering in horrific animal markets.
In the heart of Karachi, there is a animal market on the main road that has cages stacked up on top of each other, with all kinds of animals screaming in pain or lying lifeless inside them.
Monkeys are screaming in agony, distressed and disoriented in animal markets, trapped in a tiny bird cage, not being able to even lift their heads or stand up, let alone, turn around. They are taken away as babies from their mothers and aren’t given any food or water for days on end.

Persian and Siamese cats, puppies, exotic birds, porcupine, fox, and all kinds of wildlife are trapped in cages in animal markets with no food and water, just skin and bone, dying slowly in the scorching heat of Karachi. They are seen as property, just sold from one person to another for breeding or hunting and then returned or abandoned and stolen again.
Every animal is sick-either starving, or dehydrated, burning with fever, suffering from skin and eye infections, and attacking the food when we bring some.
This has been going on for decades until we stepped in.
Our team schedules Medical relief camps with the government to better the condition of these animal markets as it’s not possible to just shut them down. They are decades old and have roots we don’t know of.
There are no active animal right laws in Pakistan. We are a small team working against all odds, using social media, flyers and one on one conversations and empathy to educate people and change mindsets. We spend days talking to the shop keepers and educating them on basic care-shade, food and water-explaining that animals suffer the way we do.
It’s going to be a long process to change mindsets but we have to always start somewhere with patience and persistence-consistency builds trust and empathy helps people understand. We are working at the roots of basic empathic education while giving treatment to the animals and bringing awareness to the awful conditions in which they are kept.
All these projects run at our own expense through private donations.