Hydration Drive

ACF conducts hydration drives during the summer months. Every summer, the temperatures are rising higher and higher and as a result, many people and animals die of heatstroke and dehydration. Due to the intense heatwaves that prevail over Karachi, we distribute chilled bottles of water to people on the streets. This activity is carried out by our rescue team that travels around the city, saving animals. On the way, we give water bottles to pedestrians, labourers, garbage collectors, donkey-owners and various other people on the roads.


We take it one step further by carrying buckets and containers of chilled water which we pour on donkeys and let them drink clean water whilst on their travels. We also take smaller bowls along with us to provide water to thirsty dogs and cats on the streets.

Hydration Drive 3
Hydration Drive 1
Hydration Drive 2